Our clinic is specially recognized for providing the Zygoma Implants Services, located in Haryana. In the field of dentistry, this is a new advanced technology developed in Europe. Without using the hipbone graft, to do the upper jaw dental implant treatment this procedure is specifically carried out. Using the a graft- less dental technique and cheekbone for anchoring the longer implants, these zygoma Implants are made. We are providing these Zygoma Implant Services at market leading prices.
When they lose their natural teeth, people wear dentures (artificial teeth). Removable dentures are the most common dentures because on a regular basis, they are removed and placed by the patient. However, resembling the natural jaw-teeth relationship thereby using titanium implants dentures can also be fixed to the upper jawbone. The confidence and comfort of the patient increased by such implant dentures.
However, to anchor the implants many a time there is not enough bone in the upper jawbone. In this case a bone graft surgery is required that is, some bone is taken from the hip region, grafted to the jaw bone and after about six months of healing, the patient is ready for the implant denture treatment.